
Filter a numeric column in the given table by a specified static value or variable.

How to Configure a Filter Node

  1. Connect the Filter node to the table containing the column you want to filter.
  2. From the node's Properties panel, go to the Filter Node window and configure the filter:
    • Filter Column Name: select the column to be filtered.
    • Filter Type: choose the type of filter from the drop-down.
    • Filter Value: select either Static or Variable:
      1. Static: enter a static numeric value.
      2. Variable: select the required variable.
  3. Preview the filter node to see a preview of the filtered column in the table.

Filter Types

= Equal To: returns the rows in the selected column that are equal to the given filter value.

<> Not Equal To: returns the rows in the selected column that are not equal to the given filter value.

> Greater Than: returns the rows in the selected column that are greater than the given filter value.

>= Greater Than or Equal To: returns the rows in the selected column that are greater than or equal to the given filter value.

< Less Than: returns the rows in the selected column that are less than the given filter value.

<= Less Than or Equal To: returns the rows in the selected column that are less than or equal to the given filter value.

LIKE: returns the rows in the selected column that are like the given filter value, enabling the use of wild cards.

NOT LIKE: returns the rows in the selected column that are not like the given filter value.

BETWEEN: returns the values that are between the 2 given values.

NOT BETWEEN: returns the values that are not between the 2 given values.

IN LIST: enter a comma-delimited list of values; values in the list will be returned.

NOT IN LIST: enter a comma-delimited list of values; values not in the list will be returned.

IS NULL: returns rows containing nulls in the selected column.

NOT NULL: returns rows not containing nulls in the selected column.

IS NULL OR BLANK: returns rows containing null or blank cells in the selected column.

NOT NULL OR BLANK: returns rows not containing null or blank cells in the selected column.